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Daily Vocabulary & Phrasal Verb 26 July 2018

Here are vocabularies from The Hindu & Times of India of 25th July 2018, which is helpful for your competitive exam preparation. Daily Phrasal verbs are also included. Happy reading!


1.       IMPUTE (VERB): to put blame on
Synonyms: charge, blame
Antonyms: exonerate, defend
Example Sentence: It is unfair to impute blame to the employees.
2.       VIABILITY (NOUN): practicability
Synonyms: enthusiasm, zest
Antonyms: dullness, apathy
Example Sentence: The viability of Financial Inclusion business is under question because while banks and their delivery partners continue to make an investment, they haven’t seen commensurate returns.
3.      REVERENT (ADJECTIVE): showing great respect
Synonyms: appreciative, solemn
Antonyms: impolite, rude
Example Sentence: A reverent silence followed the professor’s lecture.
4.      INSULATE (VERB): to protect from negative impact
Synonyms: seclude, shield
Antonyms: join, mingle
Example Sentence: We insulated our attic to keep out the cold.
5.      INTERWIND (VERB): twist around
Synonyms: associate, entwine
Antonyms: untwine, untwist
Example Sentence: Circumstances will often interwind with the moods of simply irritated men.
6.      OUST (VERB): to drive out of power
Synonyms: depose, dethrone
Antonyms: hire, retain
Example Sentence: The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.
7.      INSTINCTIVE (ADJECTIVE): without any deliberation
Synonyms: impulsive, congenital
Antonyms: deliberate, extrinsic
Example Sentence: It’s an instinctive reaction if a child falls you pick it up.
8.      MONSTROUS (ADJECTIVE): very unfair
Synonyms: unnatural, shocking
Antonyms: acceptable, pleasant
Example Sentence: The last statement was long considered so monstrous that it was not believed.
9.      BRUTISH (ADJECTIVE): cruel and uncivilized
Synonyms: beastlike, carnal
Antonyms: gentle, mild
Example Sentence: Danish is a handsome boy but his brutish behavior defames his character.
10.   CRIPPLE (VERB): to maim
Synonyms: debilitate, attenuate
Antonyms: mobilize, capacitate
Example Sentence: A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country’s economy.

Phrasal Verb

Phrasal Verb



1.        wear off Fade away Most of my make-up wore off before I got to the party.
2.       work out (i) Exercise I work out at the gym three times a week.
3.       work out (ii) Be successful Our plan worked out fine.
4.      turn up Appear suddenly Our cat turned up after we put posters up all over the neighborhood.
5.       grow out of Get too big for Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has grown out of her old ones.
6.       get together Meet (usually for social reasons) Let’s get together for a BBQ this weekend.
7.       get around Have mobility My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.
8.      fall apart Break into pieces My new dress fell apart in the washing machine.
9.       go over Visit somebody nearby I haven’t seen Tina for a long time. I think I’ll go over for an hour or two.
10.    pass up Decline (usually something good) I passed up the job because I am afraid of change.

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[AffairsKnowledge] Daily Vocabulary and Phrasal Verb The Hindu and TOI 26.07.2018

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