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Daily Vocabulary 22 July 2018

Here are vocabularies from The Hindu & Times of India of 22nd July 2018, which is helpful for your competitive exam preparation.

1.       LACKADAISICAL (ADJECTIVE): careless, lazy
Synonyms: lethargic, listless
Antonyms: caring, lively
Example Sentence: I hope the medicine is not causing you to be sleepy and lackadaisical.
2.      ABATE (VERB): mitigate
Synonyms: lessen, weaken
Antonyms: aggravate, intensify
Example Sentence: Only flushing would not have been
sufficient to abate the odour.
3.     ABJURE (VERB):  renounce
Synonyms: retract, revoke
Antonyms: approve, sanction
Example Sentence: The MP was urged to abjure his
4.     ARRAIGN (VERB): charge
Synonyms: blame, accuse
Antonyms: exculpate, pardon
Example Sentence: Arun was arraigned with theft.
5.     ABETTOR (NOUN): assistant
Synonyms: accomplice, colleague
Antonyms: opponent, adversary
Example Sentence: He was his abettor in crime.
6.     COVETOUS (ADJECTIVE): rapacious
Synonyms: greedy, insatiable
Antonyms: magnanimous, generous
Example Sentence: She touched the ring with covetous hands.
7.     BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): dismal
Synonyms: gloomy, dark
Antonyms: bright, pleasant
Example Sentence: Manish was found in the bleak little room in despair.
8.     ADJUNCT (NOUN): supplement
Synonyms: addition, complement
Antonyms: lessening, subtraction
Example Sentence: Food technology is an adjunct to learning.
9.     ACCORD (NOUN): agreement
Synonyms: harmony, unison
Antonyms: disagreement, denial
Example Sentence: The two countries breached
the accord.
10. ABOUND (VERB): proliferate
Synonyms: thrive, flourish
Antonyms: deficient, destitute
Example Sentence: Rumours of their separation
are abound.
11.   Sluggish (adjective): Slow-moving or inactive.
Synonyms: Languid, Torpid, Lethargic, Indolent
Antonyms: Brisk, Active, Lively, Vigorous
Example Sentence: The sluggish pace of the project is worrisome.
12.  Extraneous (adjective): Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.
Synonyms: Impertinent, Irrelevant, Inapposite, Unconnected
Antonyms: Germane, Relevant, Pertinent, Appropriate
Example Sentence: These questions are extraneous to the issue being discussed.
13.  Belligerent (adjective): Eager to fight or argue.
Synonyms: Bellicose, Truculent, Pugnacious, Hostile, Aggressive
Antonyms: Friendly, Affable, Conciliatory, Amicable
Example Sentence: She was so belligerent that I gave up trying to explain.
14.  Fortitude (noun): The strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or hardship.
Synonyms: Courage, Bravery, Resilience, Mettle,
Antonyms: Cowardice, Timorousness, Timidity, Pusillanimity
Example Sentence: She endured her illness with great fortitude.
15.  Reckon (verb): To think or believe:
Synonyms: Consider, Estimate, Suppose, Surmise,
Example Sentence: I Reckon It’s Going to Rain.
16. Crevice (noun): A narrow opening, especially in a rock or wall.
Synonyms: Crack, Fissure, Cleft, Chink, Interstice,
Antonyms: Closing, Juncture, Joint
Example Sentence: Many creatures hide in crevices in the rock.
17.  Apprehensive (adjective): Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
Synonyms: Anxious, Worried, Nervous, Concerned,
Antonyms: Unimportant, Unknown, Ordinary, Common
Example Sentence: With recent job cuts, Kate is apprehensive about losing her job.
18. Equanimity (noun): Calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.
Synonyms: Poise, Aplomb, Imperturbability, Composure
Antonyms: Agitation, Frustration, Irascibility, Perturbation
Example Sentence: During the horrible storm, it was hard for us to focus and maintain our equanimity.
19. Gaunt (adjective): Very thin, especially because of sickness or hunger.
Synonyms: Emaciated, Haggard, Cadaverous, Skeletal
Antonyms: Plump, Corpulent, Rotund, Obese, Chubby
Example Sentence: He was also suffering from the flu, which made him appear gaunt and ill.
20.Grin (noun): A broad smile.
Synonyms: Sneer, Smirk, Laugh, Simper
Antonyms: Gloom, Glower, Grimace, Sulk
Example Sentence: I assumed things had gone well for him because he had a big grin on his face.

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