Indus Valley Civilizations Part 2

  1. The Indus Valley people had trade relations with:
    (a) Egypt
    (b) Greece
    (c) Sumeria (Iraq)
    (d) Mesopotamia
  2. Knowledge about the existence of which of the following animals is doubtful in the Indus Valley civilization?
    (a) Cat
    (b) Dog
    (c) Bull
    (d) Horse
  3. The script of Indus Valley Civilisation is:
    (a) Persian
    (b) Dravidian
    (c) Sanskrit
    (d) Undeciphered
  4. The Indus Valley people were worshipers of:
    (a) Mother goddess
    (b) Indra and Varun
    (c) Brahma
    (d) Vishnu
  5. Which one of the following archaeologists initially discovered the Mohenjo-Daro site of the Indus Valley civilizations?
    (a) Sir John Marshal
    (b) Rakhal Das Bannerjee
    (c) Daya Ram Sahni
    (d) Sir Martimer Wheeler
  6. The relics of the pre-Aryan civilizations have been unearthed at:
    (a) Taxila
    (b) Rajgir
    (c) Indraprastha
    (d) Mohenjodaro
  7. Which among the following is a place in Larkana district of Sind province in Pakistan?
    (a) Harappa
    (b) Alamgirpur
    (c) Mohenjo-Daro
    (d) Rangapur
  8. Which among the following is a place in Montgomery district of Punjab province in Pakistan?
    (a) Harappa
    (b) Rangapur
    (c) Alamgirpur
    (d) Mohenjo-Daro
  9. Where did the Archaeological Department of India carry out excavations in the Indus Valley?
    (a) Kalibangan and Lothal
    (b) Harappa and Rangpur
    (c) Mohenjo-Daro and Alamgirpur
    (d) Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
  10. What led to the end of Indus Valley Civilization?
    (a) Invasion of Aryans
    (b) Recurrent Floods
    (c) Earthquakes
    (d) All the above
  11. What were the residential houses of Indus people made of?
    (a) Mud
    (b) Stone
    (c) Copper
    (d) Baked bricks
  12. Who was the main female God worshipped by Indus people?
    (a) Laxmi
    (b) Shakti
    (c) Sarada
    (d) Mother Goddess
  13. Who was the main male God worshipped by Indus people?
    (a) Indra
    (b) Vishnu
    (c) Brahma
    (d) Lord Shiva
  14. Which among the following was worshipped by the Indus people?
    (a) Stones
    (b) Trees
    (c) Animals
    (d) All the above
  15. Which was the most frequently depicted animal?
    (a) Elephant
    (b) Unicorn
    (c) Rhino
    (d) Tiger
  16. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
    (i) Pashupati Seal has been found from Lothal.
    (ii) The Harappan bricks were made in ratio of 1:2:4.
    (iii) For small measurement binary system and for big measurement decimal system were used in Harappa.
    (iv) Persian Gulf seals have been found in Lothal.
    (a) i, ii & iii                                          (b) ii & iv
    (c) ii, iii & iv                                      (d) all of the above
  17. Remains of Horse bones have been found from?
    (a) Lothal
    (b) Surkotada
    (c) Kalibangan
    (d) Dholavira
  18. A Seal depicting Mother Goddess with a plant growing form her womb has been found from: —
    (a) Harappa
    (b) Kalibangan
    (c) Daimabad
    (d) Mohenjo-Daro
  19. There has been an absence of seal in?
    (a) Alamgirpur
    (c) Harappa
    (d) Lothal
  20. From where a stone cut water reservoir has been discovered?
    (a) Surkotada
    (b) Kalibangan
    (c) Dholavira
    (d) Harappa

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